Tom Ramstack

Student and Universal Banker

Featured Projects

View selected projects below. More information can be found at

preview of topsongs site

Grid Practice

Introductory investigation into creating grids using HTML and CSS.

View project
preview of surfin usa site

Text Practice

Introductory investigation into basic page design using HTML and CSS

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description of image

Digital Art

First project in intoduciton to digital art class. Created using Adobe Photoshop.

Work Experience

Universal Banker

Summit Credit Union


Provide resouces and guidence to membership to help them achive their financial goals.

Optional list:

  • Create a welcoming space for productive conversations around member finances.
  • Lead area in-branch trainings for new employees.
  • Act as liaison for community room for local events.
  • Manage branch cash suply.


Univerity of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Major in Information Science and Technology
Minor in Graphic Design, 2022 to current